Project to protect rare Burmese monkey gets new funding

A conservation project to help
protect the rare Burmese snub-nosed monkey is one of 33 to get a share of UK
Government funding.
The species was photographed for the first time last year.
The project, led by Fauna and Flora International (FFI), will try to
establish how many of the monkeys are left and how best to protect them.
The money comes from a long-term scheme called the Darwin Initiative.
The Burmese snub-nosed monkey was described scientifically for the first time
in 2010 from a dead specimen collected by a local hunter.
In May 2011 researchers working in northern Burma captured the first pictures
of the species in its natural habitat.
A team from FFI, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (Banca),
and People Resources and Conservation Foundation (PRCF) took the images using
camera traps.
The monkey gets its name from its distinctive up-turned face.
Conservationists believe numbers have fallen to around
300 but little is known about the monkeys.
Dr Stephen Browne, senior programme manager for the Asia-Pacific region at
FFI, said: "That we could be faced with losing a species almost as soon as it is
discovered seems almost unthinkable.
"Yet this could very well be what the future holds for the Myanmar (Burmese)
snub-nosed monkey unless we take swift and decisive action to conserve it," he
told BBC News.
The new funding will pay for fieldwork to find out more about the species
including distribution, behaviour and threats. That will involve a
community-based monitoring scheme.
Conservationists will use the information to set up an action plan to protect
the species.
The project is one of 33 initiatives to share £8.5m of funding from the
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
The Darwin Initiative was set up 20 years ago to support conservation
projects around the world.

improve management of the conservation of Tanzania's large carnivores
Prof David Macdonald, who chairs the committee that advises ministers on
which schemes to fund said: "The Darwin Initiative is hugely important and lies
at the cutting edge of conservation worldwide. Internationally it is respected
and valued as Britain's flagship for conservation."
Another scheme that will get funding is a project to manage threats to
Tanzania's large carnivores, including lions, leopards and cheetahs.
The world's largest amphibian, the Chinese giant salamander, will also get
extra help. Though it is a protected species, the salamander - which can grow to
50kg (110lb) - is threatened by illegal hunting.
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