
Population and Consumption must decrease for livable future

Obese boy doing exercise

Consumption levels are now high  


enough in some developing countries as to become a concern


Over-consumption in rich countries

and rapid population growth in the poorest both need to be tackled to put

society on a sustainable path, a report says.

An expert group convened by the Royal Society spent nearly two years reading evidence and writing their


Firm recommendations include giving all women access to family planning,

moving beyond GDP as the yardstick of economic health and reducing food


The report will feed into preparations for the Rio+20 summit in June.

"This is an absolutely critical period for people and the planet, with

profound changes for human health and wellbeing and the natural environment,"

said Sir John Sulston, the report's chairman.

"Where we go is down to human volition - it's not pre-ordained, it's not the

act of anything outside humanity, it's in our hands."

Sir John came to fame through heading the UK part of the Human Genome


He shared the 2002 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, and now chairs the

Institute for Science Ethics and Innovation at Manchester University.

Back on the table

Although the size of the Earth's human population used to be a main

ingredient of environmental debate, it has fallen off the table in recent



The world at seven billion


In part that was because the Earth appeared able to

support more people than predictions had suggested, and partly because

developing countries came to view the population issue as a smokescreen to hide

Western over-consumption.

However it is now back on the table, largely because of research showing that

women in the poorest nations generally want access to family planning and that

people benefit from it.

The UN's "medium" projection indicates the population peaking at just over 10

billion before the end of the century, and then starting to fall, from a current

level of seven billion.

Be approaching flower
Human expansion is among the    

factors threatening bees, whose worth is not captured by GDP


"Of the three billion extra people we expect to have, most will come from the

least developed countries, and the population of Africa alone will increase by

two billion," said Eliya Zulu, executive director of the African Institute for

Development Policy based in Nairobi.

"We have to invest in family planning in these countries - we empower women,

increase child and maternal health and provide a greater opportunity for the

poorest countries to invest in education."

The report recommends that developed nations support universal access to

family planning, which it estimates would cost $6bn per year.

If the fertility rate in the least developed countries does not come down to

levels seen in the rest of the world, it warns, the year 2100 could see a global

population of 22bn of whom 17bn would be Africans.

Exceeding the planet's boundaries

Graphic T
he report backs the notion    

that humanity has already moved beyond "safe" planetary boundaries on

biodiversity loss, climate change and the nitrogen cycle, risking severe impacts

in the future



“The environment is the economy to some




Prof Jules Pretty Essex University

As well as supporting family planning and universal

education, the Royal Society says a priority must be to lift the poorest 1.3bn

people in the world out of extreme poverty.

If this means increased consumption of food, water and other resources, the

experts conclude, that is simply the right thing to do.

Meanwhile they say that the richest must cut back on the material resources

they consume - though that might not affect living standards.

Eliminating food waste, slashing fossil fuel burning and switching economies

from goods to services are among the simple measures advocated to reduce the

developed world's footprint without reducing the prosperity of its citizens.

"A child in the developed world consumes 30-50 times as much water as in the

developing world; CO2 production, a proxy of energy use, can also be 50 times

higher," noted Sir John.

"We cannot conceive of a world that is going to carry on being as unequal as

it is, or even become more unequal."

Starving African boy
Untrammelled population growth    

is contributing to severe poverty, the report says


A number of developing and middle income countries are beginning to feel the

same impacts of over-consumption as in the west, such as obesity.

Fundamentally, use of GDP as virtually the sole indicator of an economy's

health needs to end, says the Royal Society, with other measures adopted that

value "natural capital", the goods and services that nature provides for free.

"We have to go beyond GDP; and either we can do it voluntarily or we'll have

to do it because pressure on a finite planet will in the end make us," said

Jules Pretty, professor of environment and society at the University of


"The environment is the economy to some extent... and you can talk about

running economies in ways that improve peoples' lives but don't damage natural

capital, that even enhance it."

The Rio+20 summit in June is likely to agree on establishing a set of

"sustainable development goals" (SDGs) to follow on from the existing Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs) that are helping to reduce poverty and improve health

and education in developing countries.

Whether the SDGs will commit rich countries to curbing consumption is

currently unclear.

Governments may also agree in Rio to develop and use economic indicators

other than GDP.

  • population, consumption, africa, pollution, warming, GDP, CO2, food, water, resources
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