Invertebrates - Spineless animals under threat of extinction
'Spineless' animals under threat of extinction
A fifth of animals without backbones could be at risk of extinction, say scientists.
Almost 80% of the world's species are invertebrates, meaning they lack a
spinal column.
Reviewing over 12,000 species known to be threatened, biologists found that
freshwater ones are most at risk.
Researchers urged for comprehensive studies of those vulnerable, to help
inform conservation and protect species.
A bug's life
Insects make up a huge proportion of the living organisms on the planet; so you do not have to go far to find them yourself.
Human pressures, ranging from habitat disruption to
increased temperatures, were key concerns according to the report published by
the Zoological Society of London.
"We knew that roughly one fifth of vertebrates and plants were threatened
with extinction, but it was not clear if this was representative of the small
spineless creatures that make up the majority of life on the planet," said
Professor Jonathan Baillie, ZSL's director of conservation.
"The initial findings in this report indicate that 20% of all species may be
"This is particularly concerning as we are dependent on these spineless
creatures for our very survival," he said.
The majority of the world's estimated 126,000 freshwater species are
invertebrates including molluscs and insects, such as dragonflies.
Of those included on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's
(IUCN's) Red List of Threatened Species, 35% are considered threatened and 131
species are listed as Extinct.
According to the ZSL review, a major issue for
threatened freshwater species is water pollution from agricultural run-off,
domestic sewage and industrial waste.
Damming and the removal of water, in addition to human settlements disrupting
habitat, are also adding pressure for the freshwater crabs, crayfishes,
molluscs, dragonflies and damselflies included in the assessment.
"They're important because they play a number of roles in eco-systems that
provide humans with great benefits," said Dr. Ben Collen, head of the Indicators
and Assessments unit at ZSL.
"Invertebrates are particularly good at providing things like water
filtration and nutrient recycling."
The picture for marine invertebrates however is less clear. Of the species
assessed by the IUCN, 25% are said to be at risk of extinction but the list only
covers 1% of all described species.
Britain's native crayfish are under threat from an American invader
"Our marine system is the least well-known system, so there's lots more work
to be done in terms of discovering what's out there let alone what's happening
to it," said Dr Collen.
"It's plausible that threat levels could be higher, particularly with threats
that have no real boundaries like ocean acidification."
According to Dr Collen, this ongoing process, where the pH levels of the
ocean rise in response to increases in atmospheric CO2, could be particularly
harmful for species with external skeletons that can be eroded.
Complete global assessments of reef-building corals, lobsters, and cuttlefish
have been achieved and comprehensive work on squids, octopuses, cone snails,
reef building oysters and sea cucumbers is nearing completion.
But the report urged studies on other groups, including the iconic living
fossils known as nautiluses.
Having survived relatively unchanged for millions of years, the animals are
now the subject of concern for some as they are commonly collected for both
shell curios and the pet trade.
According to ZSL, nautiluses could be particularly vulnerable to this
pressure due to their low populations and slow rates of reproduction.
Chamber of secrets

Nautiluses move through the water by pumping air into and out of gas filled
chambers within their shells
"From the marine species that we assessed, the ones that
we're most concerned about are the ones which are exploited - things like
lobsters and crabs and species of shellfish," said Dr Collen.
On land, invertebrates such as insects, molluscs and worms make up 96% of all
known species.
The ZSL report describes many as having "bizarre" appearances due to their
specialist adaptations to live in a particular habitats.
But scientists said that this extreme attention to habitat also heightens
many species' sensitivity to change.
Forty-two percent of the species currently listed by the IUCN are considered
under threat but, again, the assessed animals only represent a tiny proportion
(0.3%) of the total described species.
"Invertebrates tend to go under the radar, people don't realise just how
integral they are," said Dr Collen.
"All of the flowers that we see around us, many of the crops that we grow and
eat are pollinated for free by insects."
"Invertebrates form quite a big part of people's diets in certain parts of
the world, they form parts of systems that recycle nutrients [and] they're part
of the forest systems that stores carbon."
"They are very much the architects of a lot of these eco-system
We rely on honeybees as both food producers and pollinators
He told BBC Nature that the role of terrestrial invertebrates was "more
immediately obvious" to us because of their proximity.
In the report, scientists have included calculations of the rarely recognised
economic worth of the animals.
For example, in 2007 honeybees' role as pollinators was worth £200m to the UK
economy according to The National Audit Office.
"The things that [invertebrates] do are worth billions of dollars per year to
the global economy and at the moment those costs aren't factored into
decisions," said Dr Collen.
"We're not genuinely thinking about what the environment provides for us so
putting a monetary value on eco-system services is one way [conservationists]
can help to do that."
"While the cost of saving [invertebrates] will be expensive, the cost of
ignorance to their plight appears to be even greater," said Dr Collen.
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